As some of you may know, in December my son received a provisional dual diagnosis of gifted/PDD-nos. Children who are gifted and learning disabled are often referred to as Twice Exceptional. I've found many wonderful parents and professionals while searching for "Twice Exceptional" or "#2E" on Twitter. Last night I saw a post that disturbed me:
"What's up with "Sid the Science Kid"? Is this show abt those "TwiceWe love Sid. The kids are creative and diverse. It is disturbing to me that my son will have to deal with the idea that "something is not right" with him. He's fine, thank you. In fact, he would be great if we weren't trying to pound his square peg self into the round hole of public school. I've never understood why people like to flaunt their ignorance. My initial response was to fire back with either a nasty rebuttal or a high road educational response. I don't like to act too quickly, though, so I took a moment and looked at the poster's website. It was dedicated to his 4 year old daughter who died recently of cancer. Now I understand his interest in Sid the Science Kid. I let it slide and counted my blessings.
Exceptional" kids? Cuz smthng is not right abt the kids in that
show." (sic)